Hidden Histories of Hillmoor: The Haskins Brothers and Lake Geneva’s Early Industrial Heritage
Wednesday, October 23, from 1-2:30pm (rain date Fri., Oct. 25, same time)
Join Wisconsin Historical Society archaeologists for a walking tour and fieldwork demonstration at the Haskins Farmstead – one of Hillmoor’s hidden historical sites. Using early maps and other original documents, we will unravel the story of the Haskins family who settled in Lake Geneva in the 1840s. Harnessing the power of the White River that ran through their farm property, they established some of Lake Geneva’s earliest mills and factories. Their entrepreneurial endeavors shaped the young City’s economy, and gave birth to the Third Ward neighborhood once known as “The Crawford.” The program includes a demonstration of archaeological field methods, and tour participants are encouraged to take part. Who knows what else we might find?
Where: Meet at the Haskins St. entrance to Hillmoor Park, just east of Pioneer St. (limited street parking available)
What to Expect: A short walk along unpaved trails and through open woods, periods of standing
What to Bring: Dress for the weather, wear sturdy shoes, bring a light-weight folding chair if standing for short periods is difficult, and bring gardening gloves if you’d like to participate in the archaeological dig.

Sponsored by the City of Lake Geneva and the Friends of Hillmoor, and supported by a grant from the National Park Service Historic Preservation Fund administered by the Wisconsin Historical Society.